

....yeah....I haven't posted any recipes...
I do have lots of things to post...and a few things that are in the "draft" folder...
I find it relaxing to type in my blog...you'd think I'd do it more often, since I do enjoy relaxing.
My life, in now way, is represented by my neglect of my blog...life is great! Family is great and all is well!!
I should have titled this entry "The Return-Part II"...

much love,

The Return....


...to my recipe blog...
It has been a while, yes?
While I have been absent, life in the kitchen has been great.  I joined Greenling and OHMIGOODNESS...every 2 weeks I receive the "Local Box" on my front porch!  It also comes with recipes for the items in the box.  I have learned so much about food and the kids have eaten some things that I never thought they would.  It is worth checking out.  They were only in Central Texas, but have recently started the service in the DFW area.  There are services similar to Greenling all over so maybe you can find something like this where you live.  If not, check around for when the Farmer's Markets are being held near you.
No, Greenling didn't give me anything to say this stuff...I just love it, this much!!

I am "kind of" a foodie, so I have been known to post photos of meals I have prepared on my facebook page...yeah...I'm one of those...and people ask for the recipe...sometimes I even remember to send it to them.  I have a stack of these recipes and I am going to begin posting them.  My baked pancake with fresh blueberries and bacon was a hit.  I made a killer batch of Lady Cream Peas the other night, with white corn bread on the side...Kids.ate.it.up.  It was gone...no leftovers.
A summer squash casserole went over pretty well, as well as spaghetti squash carbonara...yeah...they recently found out that very little of that was pasta. I have started making my own chicken broth on a weekly basis and I think I have figured out my recipe.  I tried a few that I found, but I finally figured out what the most basic of flavors are...our "house seasoning", if you will.... From that stock, I make my chicken and dumplings and I tried an Italian Stracciatella soup with meatballs and tortellini...delizious!!
I am also venturing into gardening....well...it's just a little garden inside of what once was a work table, but, it's a start. This Texas summer heat is frightening for a beginner.
I am looking forward to getting back into my blog.  I really have missed it, but I have been enjoying my family and all the wonderful changes we are making in order to have a more healthy life!

Fat Tuesday Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes with Buttermilk Syrup......


Aaah...a day that is actually called "FAT"...I love it!   I would love to say that I created this...but...there are a lot of versions on the internet and I picked through and pieced one together that I liked.  If you are not wanting to make the "cakes" from scratch, I say, get your box of Bisquick out and get after it...it's going to work...
We have had pancakes for dinner...the kids and I always called it "Night Breakfast"...sometimes, it was biscuits and sausage gravy...that's another day...

Thanksgiving 2010- Stewed Green Beans with Bacon


This has been a part of our Thanksgiving menu since 2008.  I ADORE bacon....

Thanksgiving 2010- Cranberry Sauce with a Bit of Orange...or Lemon...

Ok...this recipe changes each year. I actually prefer the Lemon...but the family loves the Orange. I do not measure the spices, so you can pretty much just add them to your taste, as I do.

Thanksgiving 2010-Pumpkin Bread Pudding

This is awesome because you can make it ahead of time!  I have never made this before.  My son and I were watching Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives and this was on the show.I looked all over for recipes...I took portions of a few of them, but Martha had the best instructions...gotta love her...

Texas Lemon Sheet Cake


This has become the "Mr.'s" birthday cake request.  It's one of my most asked for recipes...we just finished one off, last week!